Inspired by Far Beyond The Mountain by Chris Dunkley.


In deserts across the world, shimmering mirages appeared. While the images displayed by the mirages vary, they all show one thing: an alien world with a path leading through a mountain.

These portals wax and wane along with the moon, and are only open for five minutes at the height of each full moon. Curiously, anyone who falls asleep or unconscious is immediately thrust back into our world.

Supplied with a compass suited for this alien world, a pedometer, and a pen and paper, you are tasked with charting THE PATH PAST THE MOUNTAIN.


This is a cartography game in which you explore the world using the program above while mapping it using a physical piece of paper (or a different program, I'm not your boss).

For more detailed instructions and a printable map, see the downloads at the bottom.


Controls are rebindable in game. Keyboard is only required if entering the identifier for an existing path.

WASD/Left Stick - Movement

Left Mouse Button/Q/Left Bumper - Pedometer

Right Mouse Button/E/Right Bumper - Compass

Shift/Left Stick Button - Sprint

Space/Bottom Face Button - Jump


Game by me.

Made for A Game By its Cover 2023.

Inspired by the incredible cartridge Far Beyond The Mountain by Chris Dunkley.


Cartography Game Rules 465 kB
The Path Past the Mountain (Windows) 31 MB
Version 2 Jul 18, 2023


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I wandered about slowly and found a tuning fork and a comb. Is there a game to be had here?

500 meters travelled on KWB 7810 was a very relaxing experience

This is rad.  The color theory and visuals are awesome.  Love the idea.


Thanks! The cartridge I was making a game for had lovely visual design, and I did my best to try to translate them into a game-like experience.

Very good job on the “translation”. It’s a cool cartridge and that’s exactly how I would imagine actually being there.